Enumeration Doing a nmap scan of the site reveals the two normal ports of 80 and 22, as well as an interesting filtered port 3000 which may come in handy later. Upon inspecting the site there are a couple of buttons, one takes me to a page where it appears files can be uploaded…. interesting.Another […]
Armageddon – HackTheBox Writeup
*Note: I went ahead and added dashes to censor things like passwords and flags. Initial Enumeration Naturally this box was started off with a good ole nmap scan. Looks like all we got is ssh and a Drupal site. Next thing on the agenda is to use droopescan and see if we can find anything […]
Schooled – Hackthebox Writeup
Initial Enumeration The foothold of this box was particularly interesting as it required an enumeration tactic I don’t typically use on CTF’s – subdomain scanning. To start this box up- like all the others- I ran an nmap scan on it. What I found wasn’t all that interesting, just ssh and an Apache web server. […]
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